Hello my name is Julina, born in 2006. This is my diary about my visits to a lot of interesting places. Below is "Julina" song, made by my papa. Enjoy!

Genova, Italy

Columbus' childhood home!

Columbus' childhood home,
quite small!
Today we drove about 1 hour from Milan to Genova. Arrived shortly after 12 o'clock, we went to the San Lorenzo Cathedral to see the chalice used by Christ  at the Last Supper. We parked the car in the parking lot of the aquarium in front of the sea.  The Cattedrale had closed!! We headed next to the house where Columbus was born. It was so small and looked quite new, not quite impressive for the price of  € 4 for adult and  € 2 for a child. Next we went to Via Garibaldi, also called "New Streets" and the Rolli Palaces.The beautiful Renaissance and Baroque palaces of this street are a United Nations World Heritage Site. These 42 buildings were owned by Noble families in the 16th and 17th centuries and were used as accomodations by Kings, Princes and Ambassadors on state visits.
World heritage street!

We then stopped by the information center and found out that shops and most of offices including church were closed for lunch time from 12 until 3pm. I preferred moving to Italy for this reason!!! So we went back the San Lorenzo Cathedral again at 3:00 to see the famous chalice from the Last Supper. It was a green dish and would be awesome if it was real, just wondered! because there were no other tourists there at all!

Inside San Lorenzo Cathedral
San Lorenzo Cathedral
The last supper!
chalice used by Christ
at the Last Supper

Fountain in the center of the town