Hello my name is Julina, born in 2006. This is my diary about my visits to a lot of interesting places. Below is "Julina" song, made by my papa. Enjoy!

Strasbourg, France

Here where we used P&R,
very convenient
I ate breakfast in the hotel slowly and went to the city of Strasbourg  around noon. Using the P & R, only 2.9 euro for round-trip train for all 3 of us + 3Euro for  parking! Yesterday we paid 6 euros for the parking but after driving around for 30 minutes finding the available parking lot!  It was more convenient and easier this way!

A lot of stairs and up high
but I'm not scared!
View from top of the Cathedral

We got into the department stores for a while, mom got a boy sweater (for herself) and a soft and comforting pillow (again, for herself)! Then we went to Strasbourg Cathedral once again at about 2pm. Today I climbed the narrow stairs up to the top. I didn't count but it felt like a million stairs and it got up  higher and higher from the view outside that I was a little scared and I made it to the top. How great! The view from the top was breathtaking. We went to the Rohan Palace nearby after got down from top of the Cathedral and  arrived at the Central Station without knowing while you were wandering around. The Central Station was the interesting building looking like a stadium with glass. In the evening, we had salad , steak, onion soup and 2 foie gras dishes (… the large pieces of foie gras probably served for 6 persons if we ordered in Japan) in the vicinity of the cathedral. Very happy Mommy!

We could see all detail of the roof!

View of square from the top of the Cathedral

Rohan  Palace
Petit France

Very delicious

foie gras, yum!

Central station in the back