Hello my name is Julina, born in 2006. This is my diary about my visits to a lot of interesting places. Below is "Julina" song, made by my papa. Enjoy!

Berlin Germany

Today we went to the museum island for the tour of the Pergamon Museum. Mom was impressed. She said let's start museum tour again from now on! Almost everything inside was so spectacular! Though I didn't understand how most of them were so old and still look this good!  On the train back to Munich we got another type of private room which was even better than the one on the way to Berlin. This time we had playing zone inside our private room! That was so cool! This trip was too good!
The Pergamon Museum
This big one right was
after the entrance!

This one was on the 2nd floor!
So big and tall!

Very beautiful!
Our private room on the train