Hello my name is Julina, born in 2006. This is my diary about my visits to a lot of interesting places. Below is "Julina" song, made by my papa. Enjoy!

Christmas Market at Nurnberg, Germany

We left Munich and headed to Rothemburg and Nurnberg today! First 3 days and 3 nights in Nurnberg, especially for the world famous Christmas Market in Nurnberg!  We left Munich in the evening and drove about 2 hours to our hotel in Nurnberg. The Christmas market here was said to be best in the world and we knew at once we saw it! It was very big with so many people and shops and etc. Dad did not miss hot wine here too. I had a very delicious meat which we had to walk back to the same place to buy another one right after I finished the first one! We walked around and I played a lot of merry go round while dad and mom enjoyed many cup of hot wine and sausages, it was fun!

A lot of nice things for
Christmas decoration
My favorite, German Potato pancake,

St. Lorenz Church

1 round turning this,
your wish would come true! 

Famous Christmas Toy store